Kita tidak pernah memilih hidup menjadi seperti ini,
Kita juga tidak mengharapkan masalah seperti ini terjadi berulang kali kepada kita,
Kita juga tidak pernah berharap untuk berpikir dengan perasaan yang berbeda
Kita hanya bisa berusaha untuk menjadi yang terbaik dan mencoba melakukan yang terbaik selama kita bernafas hingga ajal memanggil kita
Banyak orang akan menyeberangi hidup kita,
Beberapa dari mereka meninggalkan bekas luka dan beberapa dari mereka meninggalkan jejak kaki di hati kita,
Tapi ingat cepat atau lambat anda akan menyadari bekas luka yang mereka berikan adalah untuk membuat anda tumbuh menuju proses pendewasaan
dan terkadang seseorang yang meninggalkan jejak kaki di hati kita tidak sebaik yang kita kira.
jangan pernah melihat kembali apa yang terjadi di masa lalu karena itu akan menyakitkan, tapi ingat semua kejadian itu, karena itu akan menjadi lebih berharga.
Anda menjadi seperti sekarang karena orang-orang di sekitar anda,
Jangan melihat bagaimana mereka bertindak buruk atau baik terhadap anda
Sebab karena merekalah anda bisa menjadi seperti sekarang ini.
Kita tidak bisa mengubah apa yang akan terjadi,
tapi kita bisa mempersiapkan diri terhadap apa yang mungkin terjadi.
apa yang harus terjadi cepat atau lambat itu akan terjadi.
Menjadi orang benar memang tidak mudah, tetapi menjadi orang yang tepat itu adalah hal yang paling sulit
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Never Look Back But Try to Remember What Happened In The Past
If live can according with what we want
Then there's no such thing as surprise
And we never meet in this life
If the way we want always according to what we expected
There's no longer today or tomorrow
If we can determine what happened tomorrow
There's no longer such thing as hope
People can plan and dreamed
But what should happen not now maybe tommorow it's gonna happen
Accept you whatever you are and be honest with yourself
Because it's not your superiority that make you a great person
But it's your flaws and failures that make you a great person
All mankind is never satisfied with what they get
But once they get what they want they always regret
Always try to be thankful for what we have and greatful because we still have flaws
So we will always trying to be better
Then there's no such thing as surprise
And we never meet in this life
If the way we want always according to what we expected
There's no longer today or tomorrow
If we can determine what happened tomorrow
There's no longer such thing as hope
People can plan and dreamed
But what should happen not now maybe tommorow it's gonna happen
Accept you whatever you are and be honest with yourself
Because it's not your superiority that make you a great person
But it's your flaws and failures that make you a great person
All mankind is never satisfied with what they get
But once they get what they want they always regret
Always try to be thankful for what we have and greatful because we still have flaws
So we will always trying to be better
Thursday, July 7, 2011
9 Digits love word
Perfect number is 10 and 100
While the number is actually only consists of 10 digits which is:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
The next number is just repetition from 10 digits on top.
Without we realize these numbers has told us that no one is perfect in this world because the digits used are 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 while people using the perfect number is 10 and 100 that in fact it is repetition.
But for me 9 digits on top have different meanings
I know you from 0
You make me attracted at 1st time i see you
Your shadow make me cant sleep on the 2nd day
On the 3rd month I'm make you be someone special in my heart
I brave myself to express my feel on the 4rd month
I know you are !!, I was looking for all this time !!.
I know you are !!, I was looking for all this time !!.
But after i say I Love You, you make me wait 5 months
until you accept me entering your life.
until you accept me entering your life.
I show my commitment, after we pass 6 year together
with so many problem and we can pass it together.
with so many problem and we can pass it together.
I decide to make you become part of my life in the year of 7.
Now I want to say these 8 word for you my dear wife.
I will always love you forever and never end
Monday, July 4, 2011
Secret of Women
Wanita adalah mahluk ciptaan tuhan yang memiliki kekuatan lebih, kesabarannya jauh di atas lelaki. Dia akan menjadi setia serta merasa nyaman apabila ada yang melindungi dia.
Kelemahannya adalah dia perlu tempat bersandar jika lelah, berteduh jika kehujanan, rasa sayang apabila dalam kegundahan.
Sosok wanita kebanyakan menyukai lelaki yang bisa memberikan nasehat, perhatian seorang lelaki itu ibarat seperti pohon yang berdiri kokoh dengan daun yang rindang tanpa lelah memberikan keteduhan bagi yang bersandar dan berteduh dibawahnya, sang lelaki yang ibarat pohon akan selalu menenangkan hati wanita tanpa harus berkata-kata..
Wanita akan merasa tidak nyaman dengan lelaki yang tidak punya pendirian apalagi sering memarahi wanita. Ibaratnya perahu dengan penumpang dan nahkodanya.
Jika penumpangnya adalah wanita maka nahkoda adalah lelaki itu sendiri, penumpang akan nyaman jika dia tahu nahkodanya akan membawa dia kemana, saat badai menerpa ditengah laut, disitu penumpang ini butuh keyakinan dari nahkodanya bahwa dia akan baik-baik saja.
Tanpa harus berkata tetapi dengan langkah-langkah pasti dari penyelamatan yang dia rencanakan dan lakukan maka penumpang ini akan percaya kalau dia ada di perahu yang tepat. Wanita suka pujian dan juga menghargai koreksi jika disampaikan dengan penuh kasih sayang.
Kelemahannya adalah dia perlu tempat bersandar jika lelah, berteduh jika kehujanan, rasa sayang apabila dalam kegundahan.
Sosok wanita kebanyakan menyukai lelaki yang bisa memberikan nasehat, perhatian seorang lelaki itu ibarat seperti pohon yang berdiri kokoh dengan daun yang rindang tanpa lelah memberikan keteduhan bagi yang bersandar dan berteduh dibawahnya, sang lelaki yang ibarat pohon akan selalu menenangkan hati wanita tanpa harus berkata-kata..
Wanita akan merasa tidak nyaman dengan lelaki yang tidak punya pendirian apalagi sering memarahi wanita. Ibaratnya perahu dengan penumpang dan nahkodanya.
Jika penumpangnya adalah wanita maka nahkoda adalah lelaki itu sendiri, penumpang akan nyaman jika dia tahu nahkodanya akan membawa dia kemana, saat badai menerpa ditengah laut, disitu penumpang ini butuh keyakinan dari nahkodanya bahwa dia akan baik-baik saja.
Tanpa harus berkata tetapi dengan langkah-langkah pasti dari penyelamatan yang dia rencanakan dan lakukan maka penumpang ini akan percaya kalau dia ada di perahu yang tepat. Wanita suka pujian dan juga menghargai koreksi jika disampaikan dengan penuh kasih sayang.
What is Love Actually
Don't say "I Love You" if you don't really care.
Never talk about feelings if it doesn't really exist.
Don't you touch someone's life if you intend to break the hearts.
Don't stare into the eye when what you're doing just a lie.
the worst thing anyone can do is make someone fall in love,
but you don't try at all to help when they fell.
Giving all your love to someone is not guarantee he will response your love.
Don't expect love in return, just wait for the love to grow in their heart,
but if not, be greatful it grew in yours.
Sometimes people most love you is someone who never expressed love to you,
because you're afraid to turn around and give the distance,
and when he/she one day went,
you will realize he/she is the love that you never aware.
Not the sea its name, if the water was not choppy.
It's not called love, if the feeling was never hurt.
It's not love, if you heart was never feel missed and jealous.
God gave us two legs to walk,
two hands to hold,
two ears to hear and two eyes to see.
But why does God only give us a piece of heart ?
It's because God has given another piece of heart to someone for us filled.
That's called Love ...
Don't ever say goodbye if you still want to try.
Don't ever give up if you still feel able.
Don't ever say you don't love he/she anymore,
if you still can't forget it.
Love comes to those who still have hope,
even they have been disappointed.
To those who still believe, even they had been betrayed.
To those who still want to love, even they have been hurt before.
And to those who have the courage and faith to build confidence back.
Love like the wind ... felt or not its gives life to all creatures on this earth.
Like the wind, we can feel it but we can touch it.
Its sincere and just gave us life.
Love Like Water ... loyal to flow pass all the obstacles and gaps of life.
Love never complained of anything that came ...
Love is always faithful to give life, never regretted anything, no matter how bad the road in front,
Love sincere .. flow up to wide ocean
Love is there even though sometimes we show it and remain sincere in pride and ego.
It hurts to love someone who doesn't love you,
but more painful is to love someone and you never have the courage to express your love to him/her.
Anyone clever appreciate the word of love, but no one is clever enough to judge the word of love because love is not an object that can be seen by the naked eye,
love can only be felt through the heart and feelings.
Love is beautiful, but not forever the beauty contain of love.
Never talk about feelings if it doesn't really exist.
Don't you touch someone's life if you intend to break the hearts.
Don't stare into the eye when what you're doing just a lie.
the worst thing anyone can do is make someone fall in love,
but you don't try at all to help when they fell.
Giving all your love to someone is not guarantee he will response your love.
Don't expect love in return, just wait for the love to grow in their heart,
but if not, be greatful it grew in yours.
Sometimes people most love you is someone who never expressed love to you,
because you're afraid to turn around and give the distance,
and when he/she one day went,
you will realize he/she is the love that you never aware.
Not the sea its name, if the water was not choppy.
It's not called love, if the feeling was never hurt.
It's not love, if you heart was never feel missed and jealous.
God gave us two legs to walk,
two hands to hold,
two ears to hear and two eyes to see.
But why does God only give us a piece of heart ?
It's because God has given another piece of heart to someone for us filled.
That's called Love ...
Don't ever say goodbye if you still want to try.
Don't ever give up if you still feel able.
Don't ever say you don't love he/she anymore,
if you still can't forget it.
Love comes to those who still have hope,
even they have been disappointed.
To those who still believe, even they had been betrayed.
To those who still want to love, even they have been hurt before.
And to those who have the courage and faith to build confidence back.
Love like the wind ... felt or not its gives life to all creatures on this earth.
Like the wind, we can feel it but we can touch it.
Its sincere and just gave us life.
Love Like Water ... loyal to flow pass all the obstacles and gaps of life.
Love never complained of anything that came ...
Love is always faithful to give life, never regretted anything, no matter how bad the road in front,
Love sincere .. flow up to wide ocean
Love is there even though sometimes we show it and remain sincere in pride and ego.
It hurts to love someone who doesn't love you,
but more painful is to love someone and you never have the courage to express your love to him/her.
Anyone clever appreciate the word of love, but no one is clever enough to judge the word of love because love is not an object that can be seen by the naked eye,
love can only be felt through the heart and feelings.
Love is beautiful, but not forever the beauty contain of love.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
pertemuan secara kebetulan
rencana Tuhan mempertemukan
awal cerita cinta mengecewakan
hingga perjalanan hidup menyakitkan
belum sembuh luka yang ada
dunia baru sudah di hadapan
kecewa akan sebuah tindakan
sakit karena sebuah perkataan
belum habis penderitaan
dia kembali mendapat luka
seorang kawan kepercayaan
meninggalkan luka dalam dada
sedih hatiku selalu berkata
karena tangan ini tak berdaya
kesakitan diri kian menyiksa
karena keadaan yang ada
setitik nasihat itu saja kubisa
ingin kukatakan semua kan reda
namun hati sulit tuk berkata
tersiksa hati kian melanda
melewati satu drama
menuju theater yang sama
cerita lama dengan pemain berbeda
membuat sakit kian menyiksa dada
khawatir ku akan dirinya
gundah ku melihat kondisinya
hati indah macam sutra
di pijak-pijak hingga tak berdaya
Note : Untuk Kawan Saya "Shazwani A Sabri"
rencana Tuhan mempertemukan
awal cerita cinta mengecewakan
hingga perjalanan hidup menyakitkan
belum sembuh luka yang ada
dunia baru sudah di hadapan
kecewa akan sebuah tindakan
sakit karena sebuah perkataan
belum habis penderitaan
dia kembali mendapat luka
seorang kawan kepercayaan
meninggalkan luka dalam dada
sedih hatiku selalu berkata
karena tangan ini tak berdaya
kesakitan diri kian menyiksa
karena keadaan yang ada
setitik nasihat itu saja kubisa
ingin kukatakan semua kan reda
namun hati sulit tuk berkata
tersiksa hati kian melanda
melewati satu drama
menuju theater yang sama
cerita lama dengan pemain berbeda
membuat sakit kian menyiksa dada
khawatir ku akan dirinya
gundah ku melihat kondisinya
hati indah macam sutra
di pijak-pijak hingga tak berdaya
Note : Untuk Kawan Saya "Shazwani A Sabri"
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
See and Learn.......
Many of us don't really know what the word love is,
or appreciate the true meaning of the word itself
Many people can say "I Love You" but not much people know what is love.
When you think of someone and you want to have them, and when you can't have them and then you try to forget everything about them like they never existed, that's not love, not even close to it. is called selfish.
Love is not coming from passion or desire.
Love is not when passion and desire can't given and you mad with anger, for sure it's not love, it was a body needs
True love takes time, because it needs heart to feel it.
Blind love just need one second, because it was seen through eyes.
True love is the love that you give only for one person.
Love is when you sad they will know without tell anything.
Love can make people change 360 degree.
Love can make people do something without you can't imagine.
Love is when you always feel worried when you not beside her/him.
Love is when you always try to make her/him smile even you in a big problem.
Love sometimes make you should leave her/him for her own goodness.
When you love someone, this person is constantly on your mind from morning.
When you love someone, you want to do something for her/him even it's a simple thing.
When you love someone, you always appreciate the things they do for you.
When you love someone, if you see them smile, your heart also smile.
Very hard to trust someone after you been hurt by someone you trust
Sometimes we search mate that perfect, but in the end we never gonna find it.
No one perfect in this world, perfect is when two people become one, and they change can something impossible become possible.
Everyone make a mistakes in their live, we all have lie, we all do bad and wrong things in the past.
And sometimes we want to bury all the past very deep, but in the end it always came out.
why we not just let it came out, and let the past become our teacher for our future.
Message :
* Past is our life teacher.
* Sometimes we blind because of love but don't let the blindness make us lost.
Many people can say "I Love You" but not much people know what is love.
When you think of someone and you want to have them, and when you can't have them and then you try to forget everything about them like they never existed, that's not love, not even close to it. is called selfish.
Love is not coming from passion or desire.
Love is not when passion and desire can't given and you mad with anger, for sure it's not love, it was a body needs
True love takes time, because it needs heart to feel it.
Blind love just need one second, because it was seen through eyes.
True love is the love that you give only for one person.
Love is when you sad they will know without tell anything.
Love can make people change 360 degree.
Love can make people do something without you can't imagine.
Love is when you always feel worried when you not beside her/him.
Love is when you always try to make her/him smile even you in a big problem.
Love sometimes make you should leave her/him for her own goodness.
When you love someone, this person is constantly on your mind from morning.
When you love someone, you want to do something for her/him even it's a simple thing.
When you love someone, you always appreciate the things they do for you.
When you love someone, if you see them smile, your heart also smile.
Very hard to trust someone after you been hurt by someone you trust
Sometimes we search mate that perfect, but in the end we never gonna find it.
No one perfect in this world, perfect is when two people become one, and they change can something impossible become possible.
Everyone make a mistakes in their live, we all have lie, we all do bad and wrong things in the past.
And sometimes we want to bury all the past very deep, but in the end it always came out.
why we not just let it came out, and let the past become our teacher for our future.
Message :
* Past is our life teacher.
* Sometimes we blind because of love but don't let the blindness make us lost.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
13 year ago......Regret always come last
Saturday night is the time of the entire motorcycle gang do the activation convoy around Jakarta. And my gang is kind of gang that always search fray with other gang and also rob the motorcycle from other gang.
This day is my turn to collect all the weapons into one place, which will be used when clash with other gangs.
At that time my friend forgot to left his short samurai and I put it in my pocket, suddenly there's a road block in front of the street and it's one way road, so i can't run from it, and unfortunately we were hit by these road block, and samurai in my pocket become problem to me.
I told the police that my friend had nothing to do with me, so the police released him, hoping my friend will told what's happen to my mom and my friends.
When I arrived at the police station, many journalists, and I highlighted in, when i am put in jail, all prisoner in that jail not allowed me to sleep on up, that means i should sleep on the floor, it's because I am chinese ras, then I fight until finally the police came and asked what is happen, in my mind only one thing, after the police left I would lose my life, but fate say different, they asked my name and asked my problem until I get into this prison.
3 days pass, food that is given only a wet white rice, with wet vegetable and no taste at all, i am feel strange because none of the family or friends come looking for me, then I decided to ask help with man who usually bring food to call my mother, then on the 4th day my mother came with curses and cries, I feel very guilty, my mom fine way to get me out from jail, but the process is not easy, until the day of the 5th, my uncle came to help me out from jail, because if until day of 7, I am not get out from here, most likely I will be mutation to another prison and the process will be more difficult because It have go through the green table, but the fate speak different , at the day of 7, i am already released from jail.
After I get out from jaill, I go to place where my gang usually gather, and I asked why no one told my mom or my family when i am go to jail, they say scared and not want to get involved and go to prison.
After hear that, i know the principles that we profess die and life together, is just bullshit, when you happy we together, when you in trouble you on your own, and a very sore I know from friend, the money that collected for me when i am in jail from our area which became my gang's territory, is used by my friend to buy drugs and go have fun to night club when i am in jail, how can they do this fucking thing, even if they give the money to me, i will not accept it and i will give it back to them, but what they do is when i am in trouble they go have fun without think a little bit about me, is really feel painful, until my mouth can't say anything.
Several months later after that case i am hang out from that geng.
But i still accept they all as my friend. But now i have my own limit for friend meaning.
* Regret always come last
* Friend is always be with us everyday but best friend only found when we in sadness
This day is my turn to collect all the weapons into one place, which will be used when clash with other gangs.
At that time my friend forgot to left his short samurai and I put it in my pocket, suddenly there's a road block in front of the street and it's one way road, so i can't run from it, and unfortunately we were hit by these road block, and samurai in my pocket become problem to me.
I told the police that my friend had nothing to do with me, so the police released him, hoping my friend will told what's happen to my mom and my friends.
When I arrived at the police station, many journalists, and I highlighted in, when i am put in jail, all prisoner in that jail not allowed me to sleep on up, that means i should sleep on the floor, it's because I am chinese ras, then I fight until finally the police came and asked what is happen, in my mind only one thing, after the police left I would lose my life, but fate say different, they asked my name and asked my problem until I get into this prison.
3 days pass, food that is given only a wet white rice, with wet vegetable and no taste at all, i am feel strange because none of the family or friends come looking for me, then I decided to ask help with man who usually bring food to call my mother, then on the 4th day my mother came with curses and cries, I feel very guilty, my mom fine way to get me out from jail, but the process is not easy, until the day of the 5th, my uncle came to help me out from jail, because if until day of 7, I am not get out from here, most likely I will be mutation to another prison and the process will be more difficult because It have go through the green table, but the fate speak different , at the day of 7, i am already released from jail.
After I get out from jaill, I go to place where my gang usually gather, and I asked why no one told my mom or my family when i am go to jail, they say scared and not want to get involved and go to prison.
After hear that, i know the principles that we profess die and life together, is just bullshit, when you happy we together, when you in trouble you on your own, and a very sore I know from friend, the money that collected for me when i am in jail from our area which became my gang's territory, is used by my friend to buy drugs and go have fun to night club when i am in jail, how can they do this fucking thing, even if they give the money to me, i will not accept it and i will give it back to them, but what they do is when i am in trouble they go have fun without think a little bit about me, is really feel painful, until my mouth can't say anything.
Several months later after that case i am hang out from that geng.
But i still accept they all as my friend. But now i have my own limit for friend meaning.
* Regret always come last
* Friend is always be with us everyday but best friend only found when we in sadness
12 years ago .... friends not forever.
Today is a very hot noon, like usual i am sit at the stall where all my friends gather.
Suddenly, my friend come with the news that my friend Charlson and frans was fights with people behind the complex at citra 2, and I immediately go ride my motorcylce to the area, when i am get there i am ask the problem with them, and not long from 4-way come so many people into our place, i am go straight to Charlson direction and pull him. I am ride my motor, and i am with Charlson by bringing a friend back into the fights area with the purpose to seek frans who was left behind at the site fights.
When I am arrive at the location, the problem turned into a bigger problem. This problem was brought into the complex security office to be resolved. On the way to the complex security office, many people go straight into our way, and now the people not only teenager, there's old people also. I was in the midst of a crowd can't do anything except fight it, from the back side a wood bar come into me and i am parry with my right arm, suddenly from the front foot flew in my direction, I lift his legs until he fell down, from back a hard metal hit my head until bleed, but I snatched it.
Security guard can't do much because people are too much, and they come more and more. and finally for my safety, we go inside to security office until the police came, but that happened more severe in the position we were sitting behind my desk, i am beaten. I was intending to help, but they thought me as source of problem, then they pushed me into window until the glass break, lucky I use a thick jacket if not maybe it's not my jacket that gonna torn, but my back skin that ripped. Then a dagger flew toward my direction and I was ducking and grazed my right face.
Luckily the police came and then we were brought to the police station, and the Police fine source of problem and they know that the problem is come from my friend, and the people from behind complex want money for peace, if not the problem will be extended. my mother came and cried and curse me with many bad words, and she not even wanna care of me and she went home. My purpose just wanted to help but have an impact on the larger problem, Police also know that i am just a victim, but the people from behind complex they did not care of it. And not long, Charlson and Frans parents came, and they discuss with police and people from behind complex, and after give the money, three of us now can go home.
After i arrive at home my mom once again curse me, and she really upset and mad of me, my face really mess, wounds everywhere, but my mother still helps me to put medicine on my wounds, and she remind me to never do it again, and always think before before do anything.
Now when I met Charlson and Frans in street, they never call or greeted me, in fact because them i am almost lose life, because of them I have many scars and internal injuries that took a long time to healed. From there i always try to give principle to myself to help without expecting something.
- Always try think far ahead before do something, because we sometimes only see what in front us without think what gonna happen in future.
- Be careful in choosing friends, many friends who need us only to be utilized.
- How many time the word pain you give to your Parents, but your Parents will keep smiling and hope someday you can change into a better person. That's why they look fussy always warn us when we do something.
Suddenly, my friend come with the news that my friend Charlson and frans was fights with people behind the complex at citra 2, and I immediately go ride my motorcylce to the area, when i am get there i am ask the problem with them, and not long from 4-way come so many people into our place, i am go straight to Charlson direction and pull him. I am ride my motor, and i am with Charlson by bringing a friend back into the fights area with the purpose to seek frans who was left behind at the site fights.
When I am arrive at the location, the problem turned into a bigger problem. This problem was brought into the complex security office to be resolved. On the way to the complex security office, many people go straight into our way, and now the people not only teenager, there's old people also. I was in the midst of a crowd can't do anything except fight it, from the back side a wood bar come into me and i am parry with my right arm, suddenly from the front foot flew in my direction, I lift his legs until he fell down, from back a hard metal hit my head until bleed, but I snatched it.
Security guard can't do much because people are too much, and they come more and more. and finally for my safety, we go inside to security office until the police came, but that happened more severe in the position we were sitting behind my desk, i am beaten. I was intending to help, but they thought me as source of problem, then they pushed me into window until the glass break, lucky I use a thick jacket if not maybe it's not my jacket that gonna torn, but my back skin that ripped. Then a dagger flew toward my direction and I was ducking and grazed my right face.
Luckily the police came and then we were brought to the police station, and the Police fine source of problem and they know that the problem is come from my friend, and the people from behind complex want money for peace, if not the problem will be extended. my mother came and cried and curse me with many bad words, and she not even wanna care of me and she went home. My purpose just wanted to help but have an impact on the larger problem, Police also know that i am just a victim, but the people from behind complex they did not care of it. And not long, Charlson and Frans parents came, and they discuss with police and people from behind complex, and after give the money, three of us now can go home.
After i arrive at home my mom once again curse me, and she really upset and mad of me, my face really mess, wounds everywhere, but my mother still helps me to put medicine on my wounds, and she remind me to never do it again, and always think before before do anything.
Now when I met Charlson and Frans in street, they never call or greeted me, in fact because them i am almost lose life, because of them I have many scars and internal injuries that took a long time to healed. From there i always try to give principle to myself to help without expecting something.
- Always try think far ahead before do something, because we sometimes only see what in front us without think what gonna happen in future.
- Be careful in choosing friends, many friends who need us only to be utilized.
- How many time the word pain you give to your Parents, but your Parents will keep smiling and hope someday you can change into a better person. That's why they look fussy always warn us when we do something.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Rain Make Me Remember
I ride my black motorcylce to your school
suddenly the rain fall flush my body
but the rain not stop me to keep my promise
to pick up you at school
when i arrive at school the rain already stop
I am wait for you with my freeze body
I see from far your driver come to pick you up
my heart felt sick looked your car slowly away
I ride my black motorcylce straight to my home
the rain already stop but cold wind was mix with my pain heart
I know you've already saw me from far
that time our relationship just limited to sister and brother
I should convince your family and your friends
that I am not like people are saying
I change a lot just for you
try to give the best for you
and now you've already become my wife
i love you so.. dear....
suddenly the rain fall flush my body
but the rain not stop me to keep my promise
to pick up you at school
when i arrive at school the rain already stop
I am wait for you with my freeze body
I see from far your driver come to pick you up
my heart felt sick looked your car slowly away
I ride my black motorcylce straight to my home
the rain already stop but cold wind was mix with my pain heart
I know you've already saw me from far
that time our relationship just limited to sister and brother
I should convince your family and your friends
that I am not like people are saying
I change a lot just for you
try to give the best for you
and now you've already become my wife
i love you so.. dear....
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
we exist in this world for a purpose
how many time the word pain you give to your parents, but your parents will keep smiling and hope someday you can change into a better person.
many times the word pain because of love through in your life, you always say I'm bored wth the word love, but when the love come visit us we can't ignored it.
when you were baby you're always try to get up when you fall while learn to walk, but why now when you fall you're always screaming ?
every person has the right to choose their own way of life, don't ever judge someone by your side, because you don't know exactly what they ever been through at they entire live.
you know your friend do a wrong thing, the thing you should do is help them and don't let them fall more deeper, give support and never make them more depressed, give positive advice, and never forced them to follow your advice, because advice is not mandatory, if something bad happened to your friend because they don't follow your advice, don't judge and say stupid because doesn't follow your advice, but help them to get up and give positive advice so they can rise again.
when we in the happy situation we have many friends, but best friends only exist when we are in sadness, best friend will always be faithful to give advice without tired, and not make our problem increased.
do what you should do, act what you should act, try do the best for everything you do, remember when you at zero position when you on top position.
many times the word pain because of love through in your life, you always say I'm bored wth the word love, but when the love come visit us we can't ignored it.
when you were baby you're always try to get up when you fall while learn to walk, but why now when you fall you're always screaming ?
every person has the right to choose their own way of life, don't ever judge someone by your side, because you don't know exactly what they ever been through at they entire live.
you know your friend do a wrong thing, the thing you should do is help them and don't let them fall more deeper, give support and never make them more depressed, give positive advice, and never forced them to follow your advice, because advice is not mandatory, if something bad happened to your friend because they don't follow your advice, don't judge and say stupid because doesn't follow your advice, but help them to get up and give positive advice so they can rise again.
when we in the happy situation we have many friends, but best friends only exist when we are in sadness, best friend will always be faithful to give advice without tired, and not make our problem increased.
do what you should do, act what you should act, try do the best for everything you do, remember when you at zero position when you on top position.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Behind The Orange Building
Behind this orange building
I silently listen to the rhythm of nature
Think far into the future
This place is a regular place
Where all my friends usually release and share their problems
If these stones could speak they would say "I am tired listening all of your problems"
Life never goes the way we want
Try to accept and be grateful with what you have now
We can't change what happened in the past
We also don't know what will happen in the future
Right now, we only can do the best we can do now...
I silently listen to the rhythm of nature
Think far into the future
This place is a regular place
Where all my friends usually release and share their problems
If these stones could speak they would say "I am tired listening all of your problems"
Life never goes the way we want
Try to accept and be grateful with what you have now
We can't change what happened in the past
We also don't know what will happen in the future
Right now, we only can do the best we can do now...
Thursday, April 21, 2011
7 years for my lovely wife
21 years I am searching,
until I am found her,
someone that fills my heart,
the way she treated me,
the way she accept me whatever i am,
makes me sure,
that she was the one,
i had been looking for,
relation from sister until lover,
full days of barriers we pass it together,
our personalities changes day by days,
my selfishness melted slowly,
my image about women changed instantly,
trust and honesty that strong,
understand each other for the problem we face,
make my love to her getting bigger,
day by day we face together,
doesn't make us tired each other,
but make our feeling more deeper,
each insult from his friends,
every word from her closest people about me she ignored,
I am not a perfect one, I am also not the right one,
my dark side and all of my worst actions in past,
not become a problems for her to love me,
I can't be the best for her,
but I am try to be the best
7 years already passed,
but our love story, just like happened yesterday
now 7 years has made us one.
I love you a lot my dear.......

until I am found her,
someone that fills my heart,
the way she treated me,
the way she accept me whatever i am,
makes me sure,
that she was the one,
i had been looking for,
relation from sister until lover,
full days of barriers we pass it together,
our personalities changes day by days,
my selfishness melted slowly,
my image about women changed instantly,
trust and honesty that strong,
understand each other for the problem we face,
make my love to her getting bigger,
day by day we face together,
doesn't make us tired each other,
but make our feeling more deeper,
each insult from his friends,
every word from her closest people about me she ignored,
I am not a perfect one, I am also not the right one,
my dark side and all of my worst actions in past,
not become a problems for her to love me,
I can't be the best for her,
but I am try to be the best
7 years already passed,
but our love story, just like happened yesterday
now 7 years has made us one.
I love you a lot my dear.......

Wednesday, April 20, 2011
It's About Trust Not Sex or Pleasure
One day, There's a guy been ask by his friend to accompany him into a place at West Jakarta.
Let say his name is "A", and his friend is "D".
After arrive "A" realized that place is a prostitude place, and after sit and talking a few moments.
Without "A" know, "D" already booked a girl for "A", and then "A" try to refuse it but failed.
Status of "A" now have a fiance, let say her name is "L".
Then "A" and "D" go into their room that already booked.
And when she reached the room she immediately took off her clothes one by one.
Lets say the prostitude girl name is "S".
Then after "S" fully naked, "S" go to "A".
Then "A" told to "S" to wear back her clothes and ordered drinks.
After drinks came "A" say to "S" [ "accompany me chat only, ok" ? ]
"S" look confused, and "A" say to "S" [ "I can't do this because my fiance so trust on me, sorry, ok" ]
After long chat "S" feel sleepy, and "S" sleep in the bed, while "A" sleeping in a chair.
When the morning come, "A" get out from the room and wait for "D" at the bar.
Not long after that "D" come out, and "D" ask to "A" [ "how's the girl, ok ?" ] then "A" answer [ "Ok!! Ok!! the girl was so hot" ] "and raised two thumbs".
This time he must accompany his friend who came from Banjarmasin, lets say his name is "P"
"P" wanted to know about a hotel in North Jakarta is famous and has a lot of women from race Indonesia, China, and Uzbekistan that can be booked . Lets say the name of the hotel is x.
Then with 2 friends, lets say their name was "B" and "F", leaving from the apartment directly to the location Hotel x.
After arrive at Hotel x, they all go to upper level of hotel.
After arive there, "A" go ask for a price and speak with the marketing people over there.
The Marketing ask to "A", what race of girl "A" wanna booking.
"A" talk to "P" and "P" say "local Indonesia"
After a few minute all the pretty girl come stand in front of them.
Then "P" ask "A" to choose for him, then after "A" already pick one girl for "P"
"P" ask to "A" [ "why you not pick a girl", "I'll pay all, don't worried" ]
"A" say [ "I just don't want to betray my fiance" ]
"P" say ["stupid, she not even know at all !!" ]
About 3 hours "A", "B", and "F" sit at the bar enjoy the music and drink some bir.
lots of pretty girls around them, make them sometimes can't closed their eyes.
Then "P" that already finish, come and join for a drink with the booked girl beside him.
After chat a while all of them going back to apartemen.
On the way to apartment, fiance 'A' call, let say "A" fiance name is "L"
"L" ask to "A" [ "where are now ?" ]
"A" answer [ "Just been from Hotel x", we continue later after arrive at apartemen, ok?" ]
After "A" turn off the phone
suddenly "P", "B", and "F" say to "A" [ "you so stupid, for what you go to hotel x should tell your fiance, your fiance would not believe you went there just a drink !!" ]
Then "A" say [ "take it easy bro, it's my problem, not even you all problem, why all of you that afraid, my fiance also will not tell anyone, all of you go to that hotel x, my fiance trust me a lot and i should appreciate her with tell everything honestly, relax ok" ]
My Message :
- Remember trust that give to you is a very precious thing, don't misuse the trust that is been given to you, because it will not come twice.
- Better to speak truth than lying, because if one day found out it would be more worse.
- Looking for partner of life is different from find a boyfriend/girlfriend
A boyfriend/girlfriend :
- Should be handsome and pretty
- Should have much money
- Should cool and famous
A Partner of life should have this category :
- Financially stable
- Loyal
- Commitment
- Able to guide [ *Man ]
- Able to understand
- Trust each other
- Believe each other
- Never tired with all problem of life
*So...... what u'r been looking for now ? boyfriend/girlfriend or partner of life ?
Let say his name is "A", and his friend is "D".
After arrive "A" realized that place is a prostitude place, and after sit and talking a few moments.
Without "A" know, "D" already booked a girl for "A", and then "A" try to refuse it but failed.
Status of "A" now have a fiance, let say her name is "L".
Then "A" and "D" go into their room that already booked.
And when she reached the room she immediately took off her clothes one by one.
Lets say the prostitude girl name is "S".
Then after "S" fully naked, "S" go to "A".
Then "A" told to "S" to wear back her clothes and ordered drinks.
After drinks came "A" say to "S" [ "accompany me chat only, ok" ? ]
"S" look confused, and "A" say to "S" [ "I can't do this because my fiance so trust on me, sorry, ok" ]
After long chat "S" feel sleepy, and "S" sleep in the bed, while "A" sleeping in a chair.
When the morning come, "A" get out from the room and wait for "D" at the bar.
Not long after that "D" come out, and "D" ask to "A" [ "how's the girl, ok ?" ] then "A" answer [ "Ok!! Ok!! the girl was so hot" ] "and raised two thumbs".
This time he must accompany his friend who came from Banjarmasin, lets say his name is "P"
"P" wanted to know about a hotel in North Jakarta is famous and has a lot of women from race Indonesia, China, and Uzbekistan that can be booked . Lets say the name of the hotel is x.
Then with 2 friends, lets say their name was "B" and "F", leaving from the apartment directly to the location Hotel x.
After arrive at Hotel x, they all go to upper level of hotel.
After arive there, "A" go ask for a price and speak with the marketing people over there.
The Marketing ask to "A", what race of girl "A" wanna booking.
"A" talk to "P" and "P" say "local Indonesia"
After a few minute all the pretty girl come stand in front of them.
Then "P" ask "A" to choose for him, then after "A" already pick one girl for "P"
"P" ask to "A" [ "why you not pick a girl", "I'll pay all, don't worried" ]
"A" say [ "I just don't want to betray my fiance" ]
"P" say ["stupid, she not even know at all !!" ]
About 3 hours "A", "B", and "F" sit at the bar enjoy the music and drink some bir.
lots of pretty girls around them, make them sometimes can't closed their eyes.
Then "P" that already finish, come and join for a drink with the booked girl beside him.
After chat a while all of them going back to apartemen.
On the way to apartment, fiance 'A' call, let say "A" fiance name is "L"
"L" ask to "A" [ "where are now ?" ]
"A" answer [ "Just been from Hotel x", we continue later after arrive at apartemen, ok?" ]
After "A" turn off the phone
suddenly "P", "B", and "F" say to "A" [ "you so stupid, for what you go to hotel x should tell your fiance, your fiance would not believe you went there just a drink !!" ]
Then "A" say [ "take it easy bro, it's my problem, not even you all problem, why all of you that afraid, my fiance also will not tell anyone, all of you go to that hotel x, my fiance trust me a lot and i should appreciate her with tell everything honestly, relax ok" ]
My Message :
- Remember trust that give to you is a very precious thing, don't misuse the trust that is been given to you, because it will not come twice.
- Better to speak truth than lying, because if one day found out it would be more worse.
- Looking for partner of life is different from find a boyfriend/girlfriend
A boyfriend/girlfriend :
- Should be handsome and pretty
- Should have much money
- Should cool and famous
A Partner of life should have this category :
- Financially stable
- Loyal
- Commitment
- Able to guide [ *Man ]
- Able to understand
- Trust each other
- Believe each other
- Never tired with all problem of life
*So...... what u'r been looking for now ? boyfriend/girlfriend or partner of life ?
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Your past is future and your future is past
I am past now and future :
- Don't ever talk about jail, if you never experience it.
- Don't ever talk about life, if your life never complicated since your born.
- Don't ever talk friendship, if you never been stabbed so deep by your own good friend.
- Don't ever talk about drugs, if you never feel like you body half die.
- Don't ever talk about guilt, if you never feel scared about something really worse that you ever did
- Don't ever talk about love, if you never do sacrifice for someone you loved.
- Don't ever talk about God, if you never feel satisfied with your own life.
- Don't ever talk about die, if you never feel like you already die, but God speak different.
- Don't ever talk about losing parents, if you never feel, when you still need them and they leave you.
every person is always given a chance to change.
every life has the option, and each option has a risk.
do the best as long as you are still able to do so.
through all the problems we face, the character of a person will shaped and strengthened.
don't ever talk about people because you not feel what they feel on they entire live.
always see something from other perspective.
Born, studied, working, get married, have children, see children succeed, died.
And where is the position for pleasing parents?
There are some perceptions, parents' when seeing their children successful, get married, their child have a happy family and saw his grandson succeeds, then the journey of his life was already complete.
For All My Friend :
We all live in the cycle of life that we not realize, remember that every action and choice has different risk, stay outside home is more heavier than stay inside our own home, miss with every person we loved, no time to given for the one we care and love, and day by day our hearts it's cut slice by slice, but sometimes life can't be fit with what we want it to, sacrifice that we do for the happiness of those we loved are the most beautiful things in life, but remember each person should have target in life, where we will be in the next 1 or 10 years, did you still keep trapped in same cycle, or try to make some change in your life, that's all back to you, you also should remember, did every sacrifice that you give, is worth for your own live, and our beloved people, we only can try do the best, other people didn't know what we trough day by day, because they didn't know you well enough, and didn't know how suffer you are, and how painful you heart with the boring and lonely word .
What you did today will impact to your future, your action without you realize, will give effect to others in the future. Always Think first before doing something.
- Don't ever talk about jail, if you never experience it.
- Don't ever talk about life, if your life never complicated since your born.
- Don't ever talk friendship, if you never been stabbed so deep by your own good friend.
- Don't ever talk about drugs, if you never feel like you body half die.
- Don't ever talk about guilt, if you never feel scared about something really worse that you ever did
- Don't ever talk about love, if you never do sacrifice for someone you loved.
- Don't ever talk about God, if you never feel satisfied with your own life.
- Don't ever talk about die, if you never feel like you already die, but God speak different.
- Don't ever talk about losing parents, if you never feel, when you still need them and they leave you.
every person is always given a chance to change.
every life has the option, and each option has a risk.
do the best as long as you are still able to do so.
through all the problems we face, the character of a person will shaped and strengthened.
don't ever talk about people because you not feel what they feel on they entire live.
always see something from other perspective.
Born, studied, working, get married, have children, see children succeed, died.
And where is the position for pleasing parents?
There are some perceptions, parents' when seeing their children successful, get married, their child have a happy family and saw his grandson succeeds, then the journey of his life was already complete.
For All My Friend :
We all live in the cycle of life that we not realize, remember that every action and choice has different risk, stay outside home is more heavier than stay inside our own home, miss with every person we loved, no time to given for the one we care and love, and day by day our hearts it's cut slice by slice, but sometimes life can't be fit with what we want it to, sacrifice that we do for the happiness of those we loved are the most beautiful things in life, but remember each person should have target in life, where we will be in the next 1 or 10 years, did you still keep trapped in same cycle, or try to make some change in your life, that's all back to you, you also should remember, did every sacrifice that you give, is worth for your own live, and our beloved people, we only can try do the best, other people didn't know what we trough day by day, because they didn't know you well enough, and didn't know how suffer you are, and how painful you heart with the boring and lonely word .
What you did today will impact to your future, your action without you realize, will give effect to others in the future. Always Think first before doing something.
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