until I am found her,
someone that fills my heart,
the way she treated me,
the way she accept me whatever i am,
makes me sure,
that she was the one,
i had been looking for,
relation from sister until lover,
full days of barriers we pass it together,
our personalities changes day by days,
my selfishness melted slowly,
my image about women changed instantly,
trust and honesty that strong,
understand each other for the problem we face,
make my love to her getting bigger,
day by day we face together,
doesn't make us tired each other,
but make our feeling more deeper,
each insult from his friends,
every word from her closest people about me she ignored,
I am not a perfect one, I am also not the right one,
my dark side and all of my worst actions in past,
not become a problems for her to love me,
I can't be the best for her,
but I am try to be the best
7 years already passed,
but our love story, just like happened yesterday
now 7 years has made us one.
I love you a lot my dear.......

nice~ =)~