Wednesday, April 20, 2011

It's About Trust Not Sex or Pleasure

One day, There's a guy been ask by his friend to accompany him into a place at West Jakarta.
Let say his name is "A", and his friend is "D".
After arrive "A" realized that place is a prostitude place, and after sit and talking a few moments.
Without "A" know, "D" already booked a girl for "A", and then "A" try to refuse it but failed.
Status of "A" now have a fiance, let say her name is "L".
Then "A" and "D" go into their room that already booked.
And when she reached the room she immediately took off her clothes one by one.
Lets say the prostitude girl name is "S".
Then after "S" fully naked, "S" go to "A".
Then "A" told to "S" to wear back her clothes and ordered drinks.
After drinks came "A" say to "S" [ "accompany me chat only, ok" ? ]
"S" look confused, and "A" say to "S" [ "I can't do this because my fiance so trust on me, sorry, ok" ]
After long chat "S" feel sleepy, and "S" sleep in the bed, while "A" sleeping in a chair.
When the morning come, "A" get out from the room and wait for "D" at the bar.
Not long after that "D" come out, and "D" ask to "A" [ "how's the girl, ok ?" ] then "A" answer [ "Ok!! Ok!! the girl was so hot" ] "and raised two thumbs".

This time he must accompany his friend who came from Banjarmasin, lets say his name is "P"
"P" wanted to know about a hotel in North Jakarta is famous and has a lot of women from race Indonesia, China, and Uzbekistan that can be booked . Lets say the name of the hotel is x.
Then with 2 friends, lets say their name was "B" and "F", leaving from the apartment directly to the location Hotel x.
After arrive at Hotel x, they all go to upper level of hotel.
After arive there, "A" go ask for a price and speak with the marketing people over there.
The Marketing ask to "A", what race of girl "A" wanna booking.
"A" talk to "P" and "P" say "local Indonesia"
After a few minute all the pretty girl come stand in front of them.
Then "P" ask "A" to choose for him, then after "A" already pick one girl for "P"
"P" ask to "A" [ "why you not pick a girl", "I'll pay all, don't worried" ]
"A" say [ "I just don't want to betray my fiance" ]
"P" say ["stupid, she not even know at all !!" ]
About 3 hours "A", "B", and "F" sit at the bar enjoy the music and drink some bir.
lots of pretty girls around them, make them sometimes can't closed their eyes.
Then "P" that already finish, come and join for a drink with the booked girl beside him.
After chat a while all of them going back to apartemen.
On the way to apartment, fiance 'A' call, let say "A" fiance name is "L"
"L" ask to "A" [ "where are now ?" ]
"A" answer [ "Just been from Hotel x", we continue later after arrive at apartemen, ok?" ]
After "A" turn off the phone
suddenly "P", "B", and "F" say to "A" [ "you so stupid, for what you go to hotel x should tell your fiance, your fiance would not believe you went there just a drink !!" ]
Then "A" say [ "take it easy bro, it's my problem, not even you all problem, why all of you that afraid, my fiance also will not tell anyone, all of you go to that hotel x, my fiance trust me a lot and i should appreciate her with tell everything honestly, relax ok" ]

My Message :
- Remember trust that give to you is a very precious thing, don't misuse the trust that is been given to you, because it will not come twice.
- Better to speak truth than lying, because if one day found out it would be more worse.
- Looking for partner of life is different from find a boyfriend/girlfriend

A boyfriend/girlfriend :
- Should be handsome and pretty
- Should have much money
- Should cool and famous

A Partner of life should have this category :
- Financially stable
- Loyal
- Commitment
- Able to guide [ *Man ]
- Able to understand
- Trust each other
- Believe each other
- Never tired with all problem of life

*So...... what u'r been looking for now ? boyfriend/girlfriend or partner of life ?

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